Costa Del Sol In Hartford Hosts A Gooseneck Vineyards Tasting Lunch (Plus A Look At Costa Del Sol’s Beautiful Setting For Outdoor Dining)


Costa del Sol in Hartford is well known as one of the finest Spanish restaurants in the Northeast, the oldest Spanish restaurant in Connecticut and the second oldest white tablecloth restaurant in Hartford.

Not surprisingly, Costa del Sol is also a place that puts considerable focus on fine wine, including a terrific international wine list with strong Spanish representation. Sometimes the venerable restaurant is host to wine events. A Gooseneck Vineyards tasting lunch was the occasion for my most recent visit.

Simple fare was chosen as lunch accompaniment so as not to distract from the wines being tasted. But oh, how great was that simple fare, including good bread served with extra virgin olive oil, platters of Spanish meats and cheeses, plates of gorgeous fried squid, and paella pans teeming with chicken, chorizo, clams, mussels and shrimp.

And Gooseneck Vineyards itself is a fascinating story. Liana Buonanno, a former banker turned president of Wickford Wine Company, travels the world to commission a portfolio of wines that match her requirements to include under her up-and-coming Gooseneck Vineyards wine label. It’s a fascinating approach—and due to Buonanno’s unerring instincts, an incredible, and affordable, lineup of wines. We taste her Non-Vintage Prosecco, 2013 Pinot Grigio and 2011 Rioja.

So the first rotator of photos contains interior scenes of the restaurant, including the wines and foods served, while the second rotator shows exterior scenes of the restaurant, including close-ups of owner Pepe Feijoo’s garden. Enjoy!

THE VERDICT: Gooseneck Wines is a fascinating approach to putting together a wine portfolio, while Costa del Sol offers some of the best Spanish food in the Northeast combined with some of the most attractive outdoor dining.

FEEDBACK: Tell us about your experiences at Costa del Sol. Tell us about your experiences with Gooseneck Wines or with Costa del Sol.

CONTACT INFO: Gooseneck Vineyards,

Costa del Sol, 901 Wethersfield Avenue, Hartford; 860-296-1714;

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