Bailey’s Backyard In Ridgefield Has Renovated And Kicked It Up A Notch

I picked up my dining companion from her Westport shoreline home, which fortunately fared a little better during Hurricane Sandy than this one just down the street, now in the process of rebuilding. My companion and I headed to Ridgefield to dine at Bailey’s Backyard, which itself recently underwent substantial renovations, not due to anyContinue Reading

Aladin Indian Bistro In Norwalk Will Carry You Off On A Magic Carpet Ride

Aladin Indian Bistro in Stamford is the latest restaurant opened by talented chef Kausik Roy, who also has Tawa in Stamford. A press dinner at Aladin took my companions and me on a culinary carpet ride through unusually creative and healthful Indian cooking. To do justice to the experience, I brought along my Indian expertContinue Reading

River Tavern In Chester Is A Great Place For Lunch Or Dinner

Jonathan Rapp’s popular Chester restaurant, River Tavern, is a great place for lunch or dinner, even if the Connecticut River is probably a mile away and the closest thing to a river is Pattaconk Brook, which runs behind the restaurant and is fed by this charming little stream. But let’s not engage in needless semantics.Continue Reading