To Experience Brick + Wood In Fairfield Is To “Love Life {And Pizza}”

Now and then, I encounter a restaurant whose business model so stands out and whose execution is so strong that I’m already anticipating it will replicate itself. Brick + Wood in Fairfield is such a restaurant. This exciting new pizza restaurant and wine bar didn’t quite come out of the blue, however. The former occupantsContinue Reading

Ovens of France Brings Gallic Delights To Woodbury And Beyond

You might not think of the Woodbury bakery, Ovens of France, as a place to eat, but we beg to differ. True, inside the bakery there’s only one tall table that accommodates four, augmented by outside seating which, at this point in the season, is rapidly diminishing in appeal. But we’ll fight for a spotContinue Reading

J. Gilbert’s In Glastonbury Can Be Relied Upon For Some Of Connecticut’s Best Steaks & Seafood

After years of hearing great reports about J. Gilbert’s, which, like Morton’s and Fleming’s is a high-end steakhouse chain, we finally made the trip to Glastonbury to try it. We were glad I did. J. Gilbert’s occupies a square building located on that overly homogenous stretch of high-end malls along Glastonbury Boulevard. Unlike many steakhouses,Continue Reading