Albert Bichot Wine Dinner Held At Paragon Restaurant At Foxwoods Resort & Casino

I was privileged to be invited to an Albert Bichot Wine Dinner held at Paragon Restaurant at Foxwoods Resort & Casino on Thursday, December 11. My date for the evening was my elegant Indian friend, Carrol, a Yale scientist. We used the valet parking for the Grand Pequot Tower, then took the elevator to theContinue Reading

Artisanal Burger Company In Manchester Holds Its Grand Opening Party

Apparently, Connecticut’s appetite for upscale burger joints is far from sated, judging by the tremendous turnout for Artisanal Burger Company’s opening night on Monday, December 1. Brought to you by Dorjan Puka, who owns Treva Restaurant and A’Vert Brasserie in West Hartford, Artisanal Burger Company has taken over the Manchester space previously occupied by Boston’sContinue Reading

At Village Bistro In Milford, Enjoy Everything From A Bagel Breakfast To A Delightful Tapas Dinner In Handsome Quarters

For more than a dozen years, there was Village Bagel, an extremely popular breakfast and lunch stop on the Boston Post Road in Milford. But its owner, K Ghura, envisioned something greater. He moved his operation across and down the street into much improved quarters, retained his breakfast and lunch offerings, and added a Spanish-inspiredContinue Reading